January 2013
1 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for New Years.
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
5 Kick Off Event for 4-H Robotics, Estacado High School. Ages 14 to 18.
6 12:00 noon – County Hiefer Show, Texas Tech Livestock Arena.
10 4-H Dog Project Certification Due to County Extenison Office.
11 Lubbock Master Gardener Class registration deadline. Find more information here.
14 7 p.m. – 4-H 3-Position Rifle project orientation for new shooters, American Legion Shooting Range.
16 Lubbock County Livestock Show – Meat Goat Jackpot, Texas Tech Livestock Pavillion. Entry Deadline January 6.
18, 19 & 21 Lubbock County Junior Livestock Show, Panhandle South Plains Fairgrounds. Visit the 4-H Concession Stand! To watch live stream of the judging click on this link.
19 9 a.m. – Robotics Workshop, Whitacre College of Engineering, Texas Tech University, Electrical Engineering Builiding, Room 217 (Seacat Room). Contact Dr. Tanja Karp by Janaury 9th to register for the workshop.
21 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
22 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. – Sorghum U, Overton Hotel and Conference Center. RSVP at 1-855-422-6652 or register online at www.hpj.com/sorghumu
22 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX – Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
25 8:30 a.m. – Lawn and Ornamental Workshop, Texas AgriLife Reserach and Extension Center, 1/2 mile east of I-27 on F.M. 1294. TDA CEU’s: 2.0 Gen, 2.0 IPM, 1.0 L&R; RSVP by Wednesday, January 23 (775-1680). Cost: $30.00
25 4:30 p.m. – District 4-H Food Challenge, Brownfield High School
28 6:30 p.m. – PLA and Teen Council Meetings, County Extension Office
29 5:30 p.m. – 4-H Clothing Project Leader Training, County Extension Office. Training topic: the new 4-H Project Show and project activity ideas for youth to participate in. Plans for clothing project activities will be made at this time as well as training ideas for working with clothing project participants.
30-31 8-5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 225 Broadway, Suite 6, Plainview. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 days prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
February 2013
1-28 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
1 4-H Recipe Rally Entry Deadline. More information available at: http://texas4-H.tamu.edu/healthy_lifestyles
5 5:30 p.m. 4-H Recordbook Training, County Extension Office. Please RSVP by calling 775-1680 by Monday, February 4th.
6 7:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Hub of the Plains Ag Conference, KoKo Palace, 5101 Avenue Q, Lubbock, TX TDA CEU’s: 2 General, 2 IPM and 1 Laws and Regulations. RSVP by Monday, February 4th by calling 806-775-1680. Cost: $30.00, payable at the door.
8 Texas 4-H Foundation Scholarship Applications Due.
15 Deadline to sign up for Horse Quiz Bowl.
19 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX – Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
19 4:30 – 8:00 p.m. “Sew Session” Workshop, County Extension Office. Reserve your spot by Calling Ronda, 775-1680 starting on February 13th.
21 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Master Gardener’s Master’s Touch Gardening Classes – Green, Waterwise Lawns, First Presbyterian Church, 3814 130th Street. Cost is $15 a class or $50 for all for classes (other dates are Feb 28, Mar 7, and Mar 14). Fee is payable at the door.
25 4:30 p.m. – District 2 Food Challenge Contest, Brownfield
27 4:30 – 8:00 p.m. “Sew Session” Workshop, County Extension Office. Reserve your spot by calling Ronda, 775-1680 starting on February 13th.
28 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Master Gardener’s Master’s Touch Gardening Classes – Waterwise Plants for Lubbock, First Presbyterian Church, 3814 130th Street. Cost is $15 a class. Fee is payable at the door.
March 2013
1-31 Lubbock Ag Events Calendar
4 4:30 – 8:00 p.m. “Sew Session” Workshop, County Extension Office. Reserve your spot by Calling Ronda, 775-1680 starting on February 13th.
6 5:00 p.m. County-wide Clothing Tour. Tour starts at Bernina Sewing Studio, 4601 Loop 289. RSVP to County Extension office by Monday, March 4, if attending the tour.
7 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Master Gardener’s Master’s Touch Gardening Classes – Garden Design and Tree Selection, First Presbyterian Church, 3814 130th Street. Cost is $15 a class. Fee is payable at the door.
8 Entry Deadline for County 4-H Fashion Show. For Entry Form click here.
9 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. County-wide Fashion Storyboard workshop, County Extension Office. RSVP to the Extension Office by March 7, if you plan to participate.
13 Fashion Storyboards are Due to the County Extension Office for County Contest.
14 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Master Gardener’s Master’s Touch Gardening Classes – Growing Vegetables the Easy Way/Herb Gardening, First Presbyterian Church, 3814 130th Street. Cost is $15 a class. Fee is payable at the door.
18 County 4-H Photography entries Due, County Extension Office
18 5:00 p.m. County 4-H Fashion Show Judging Begins, County Extension Office, 916 Main, Suite 201.
18 5:00 – 5:30 p.m. Entries accepted for County 4-H Project Show items , County Extension Office. Click here for entry form.
18 5 p.m. County 4-H Fashion Show, County Extension Office.
18 7 p.m. PLA & Teen Council Meetings, County Extension Office
19 RSVP if attending “How to do an Educational Presentaiton” program on 3-20.
19 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX – Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
20 6 p.m. “How to do an Educational Presentation” County Extension Office. RSVP by 3-19 by calling 775-1680.
21 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Dollars and Sense Financial Management 3-part Series (1 of 3). Cost is $20 per participant, which will include a workbook and refreshments. The sessions will cover the following topics: goal setting, money managemetn, budgeting, credit and insurance. (Sign up by March 19 by calling 775-1680. You may pay at the door.)
23 District 2 Dairy Judging Contest
25 6 p.m. Photography Class “The View From a Lense”, County Extension Office, 916 Main, Suite 201.
25 RSVP if planning to participate in 4-H Entomology Project, 775-1680.
26 6 p.m. Beginner 4-H Recordbook Workshop, County Extension Office. RSVP by 12 noon if attending.
26-27 8-5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 916 Main St., Suite 201, Lubbock. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 days prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
27 5-6 p.m. 4-H Entomology Project practice, Lubbock High School, Room 1402. Every Wednesday thru May 1st.
28 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Dollars and Sense Financial Management 3-part Series (2 of 3). Cost is $20 per participant, which will include a workbook and refreshments. The sessions will cover the following topics: goal setting, money managemetn, budgeting, credit and insurance. (Sign up by March 19 by calling 775-1680. You may pay at the door.)
29 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Good Friday.
April 2013
1-30 Lubbock Ag Events Calendar
1 Entries for District 2 Fashion Show Narrator are due today to the Parmer County Extension Agent – FCS.
1 RSVP if participating in the Healthy Lifestyles Project (practices start 4-2). Call 775-1680.
2 6 p.m. Healthy Lifestyles Project Practice, County Extension Office. RSVP by 4-1 if participating.
3 District 2 4-H Photography entries are Due.
4 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Dollars and Sense Financial Management 3-part Series (3 of 3). Cost is $20 per participant, which will include a workbook and refreshments. The sessions will cover the following topics: goal setting, money managemetn, budgeting, credit and insurance. (Sign up by March 19 by calling 775-1680. You may pay at the door.)
5 Call CEO (775-1680) to sign up for County Roundup held on 4-15.
6 District 2 Soil Judging Contest, Lubbock
9 8:30-3:30 p.m. Well Water Testing, Bring samples and $10 fee to training, Texas A&M Research & Extension Center, 1102 E. FM 1294, Lubbock TX Pick up approved sample bags with instructions at the Lubbock, Hockley, Crosby, Hale and Lynn County Extension Offices. Pre-register for the workshop: http://twon.tamu.edu/training or call 979-845-1461.
11 4-4:30 p.m. Entries taken for District Project Show, Christ the King, 4011 54th, Lubbock, TX. $10 fee per participant due at this time.
11 District 2 4-H Fashion Show for juniors, intermediates and seniors.
12 District 2 Horse Judging Contest, WTA&M at Canyon.
12 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Stored Grain Grain Workshop, KoKo Palace, 5201 Avenue Q, Lubbock TX
13 District 2 Rifle Contest, Levelland.
15 State 4-H Photography Entries for Senior’s are Due.
15 5 p.m. County 4-H Roundup and 4-H Photo Awards, County Extension Office.
15 7 p.m. PLA & Teen Council Meetings, County Extension Office.
17 5:30 p.m. Awards & Recognition Committee Meeting, County Extension Office.
17 6:30 p.m. 4-H Club Manager Training, County Extension Office.
20 District 2 Livestock Judging Contest, TTU.
22 6 p.m. Beginner 4-H Recordbook Workshop, County Extension Office.
23 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX – Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
27 District 2 Archery Contest, Lubbock.
May 2013
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
1 District Recordbook Judge Applications Due
4 District 2 4-H Roundup, Levelland
14 5:30 p.m. Club Managers Make-up Training, County Extension Office.
14 6:30 p.m. Recordbook Workshop, County Extension Office.
16 RSVP to Ronda if attending D2 4-H Clothing Tour on May 18th.
18 9:45am D2 4-H Clothing Extravaganza Tour (#1 in the Summer Series)
21 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX – Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
22 Registration deadline for D2 Shooting Sports Coaching Training on June 1 and 2.
27 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Memorial Day.
28 Farm Bill extension may make ACRE program a viable option for some area farmers. Program at noon “brown bag” seminar at Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Lubbock located on U.S. Highway 1294 about a half mile east of Interstate 27 just north of the Lubbock Airport.
28-30 North Region Leadership Lab, Levelland TX
29-30 8-5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 225 Broadway, Suite 6, Plainview. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 days prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
June 2013
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
1 Club Manager Reports Due (Club Officers, Project Pin/Medat & Year Pin, Clover Kid lists).
1 Application deadline to Judge District Recordbooks.
10-14 State 4-H Roundup, College Station TX
15 8:30am – 3:00 p.m. In These Dry Times Workshop, Lubbock Master Gardeners, First Presbyterian Church, FM 1585 between Indiana and Quaker Avenue. $40 Call County Extension Office to Register.
17 6:30 p.m. PLA & Teen Council Meetings, County Extension Office.
17 8 a.m.-12 noon Steer Validation, Leonard Keeton’s Farm
18 4-H Day at Fuddruckers.
18 D2 4-H Horse Show, Levelland
20 D-2 4-H20 Camp, Caprock Canyons State Park, Quitaque, TX Cost: $15.00 per 4-H’er (if not paid for entire series); $4 per parent (park entrance fee) (#2 in the Summer Series)
21 RSVP to Ronda if you can assist with Recordbook Judging on June 25
24 4-H Recordbooks & Award Applications are due to County Extension Office. (For award packet go to Publications›4-H)
25 5:30 p.m. County Recordbook Judging
28 8 a.m.-12 noon Steer Validation, Brandon Patschke’s Farm
28-July 1 4-H Power Camp
July 2013
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
4 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Indenpendence Day.
10 District Recordbook Judging
16 1 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. District 2 4-H Leadership Success Workshop, Ollie Liner Center, Plainview
20-27 State 4-H Horse Show, Abilene
22 5:30-8:30 p.m. 4H Summer Social and PLA Meeting, MacKenzie Park. RSVP if attending to CEO by Friday, July 19, 2013.
23 6 p.m. 4-H Club Manager Meeting, CEO
24-26 Stir Up Some Fun at Kids Cooking School, 916 Main $15.00 Pre-registration and payment due by July 19th.
30-Aug 1 8-5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 916 Main St., Suite 201, Lubbock. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 days prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
August 2013
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
1 & 2 Summer Fun Day Camp, 1-5 p.m., 916 Main Street, 2nd Floor Auditorium. $15.00 per child. Registration and Fee due by Friday, July 26, 2013 to the County Extension Office.
5, 6, 7 or 8 Entries accepted for: West Texas Fair, South Plains Fair or State Fair of Texas at the County Extension Office on these dates only. To download the fair schedules, click here to go to our listing of fair links. (WTF – Show dates heifers, sheep, goats all show on the first weekend in September. Pigs and steers show the second weekend in September. SPF – Show Dates: Goats Sept. 21; Sheep Sept. 22; Lambs, steers and heifers Sept. 28. State Fair – Show Dates: Swine, goats, sheep, steers first week in October. Heifers second week in October.)
7 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon Pecan Production Seminar, Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center Auditorium, 1102 East FM 1294. $15.00 registration fee, payable on-site. 2 CEU’s offered. RSVP due by August 5th to 775-1680. Click here for Agenda.
11 12:30 p.m. 4-H Achievement Banquet, County Jury Pool, 1302 Crickets Avenue. RSVP to CEO by Monday, August 5, 2013.
13 4-H EXCELL Golf Tournament, Plainview Team Registration Sponsor Scholarship
17 4-H Teen Council Dog Dip, 10-12noon. Tractor Supply, $5 per dog. Dogs must be on a leash.
21 5:30 p.m. 4-H Board of Directors Meeting
21 6:30 p.m. 4-H Club Managers Meeting
24 Rockin’ C Classic Lamb Show, Show A 9:00 a.m. and Show B 11 a.m. Location: Texas Tech Livestock Arena, Lubbock TX. Registration Fee $25.00 per show/lamb.
24 Basic Science Blowout Meat Goat Jackpot, Show A 9:00 a.m. and Show B immediately following show A. Location: Texas Tech Livestock Arena, Lubbock TX. Registration Fee $25.00 per show/goat.
25 Deadline to enter Permain Basin Fair. You enter on your own NOT THROUGHT OUR OFFICE, download the entry form here. (Show Dates steers, heifers, sheep, goats all show on the first weekend in September. Pigs show the second weekend in September.)
30 Deadline to order Swine Validation tags, CEO
September 2013
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
2 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Labor Day.
2-15 Stripes 4-H Clover campaign. Support Lubbock County 4-H !!
3 5:00 pm Food and Nutrition Project Leader Training, CEO
5-14 West Texas Fair & Rodeo, Abilene
6-14 Permian Basin Fair & Rodeo, Odessa
7 2-4pm Youth Rabbit Project Kickoff, West Texas A&M University, Stanley Schaeffer Ag. Education Building, 22200 Valley View Road, Canyon TX RSVP is appreciated. Email aburkham@ag.tamu.edu or alaktssg@hotmail.com
9-10 South Plains District Quickbooks® Pro Shortcourse. For more information click here.
10 West Texas Agricultural Chemicals Conference (6 CEU’s). Registration Deadline is August 31.
13-21 Tri-State Fair, Amarillo
16 4-H Swine validation tag order Deadline, CEO Cost: $11 each
16 6:30 pm PLA and Teen Council Meetings, CEO
17 5:30 pm Food and Nutrition Quiz Bowl planning meeting, CEO
17 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX – Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
20-28 Panhandle South Plains Fair, Lubbock Visit the 4-H Barnyard!
25 2014 Texas 4-H Roundup Theme Contest Entry Deadline.
October 2013
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
2 Deadline to sign up if interested in participating in the Food and Nutrition Quiz Bowl. Call CEO.
6-12 National 4-H Week
8 6:00 pm Consumer Life Skills Project Orientation Meeting, CEO
9 4:30 pm County-Wide Food and Nutrition Tour. RSVP to CEO by October 7.
9-20 Tractor Supply Clover Campaign at both stores in Lubbock. Support Lubbock County 4-H !!
12 10 am – 2 pm One Day 4-H Activities at South Plains Mall and both Tractor Supply locations. Please call Ronda by October 11, if you are interested in helping.
13 2-5pm Advanced 4-H’ers (Seniors or have 4 years project experience) Food and Nutrition Workshop. Cost: $5 per person, with pre-registration required by October 11.
16 5:30 pm 4-H Awards and Recognition Committee Meeting, CEO
19 4-H Community Service – bring items to support Meals on Wheels to the CEO.
19 Lubbock County 4-H Food Show, CEO Entry materials Due to the Extension Office By October 11, by 5pm. Entry form is available here.
20 8:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. High Plains Veterinary Symposium, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, 1102 East FM 1294. Fee $25.00 Pre-Registration (by October 14, 2013) $50.00 Late Registration. Registration fee includes seminar attendance, proceedings, snacks and meal.
21 6:30 pm PLA and Teen Council Meetings, CEO
21 Deadline to Sign Up to have an Educational Exhibit at the District Food Show.
23 4:30-6 p.m. County-Wide 4-H Food and Nutrition Workshop. RSVP to CEO by October 21.
24 Building Strong Families Conference, Region 17 Education Service Center. For information about the speakers and topics, click here. For registration information, click here. Register online at: http://escite2.esc17.net/ or call Sharon at 806-281-5701.
24 7-9 p.m. Tree Care Workshop, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 4600 48th Street. Sponsored by Lubbock Master Gardeners. Fee $10.00 Contact eterrell@suddenlink.net for more information.
26 District 2 4-H Food Show and Nutrition Quiz Bowl, Levelland
30-31 8-5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 225 Broadway, Suite 6, Plainview. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 days prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
November 2013
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
11 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Veterans Day.
28 & 29 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Thanksgiving Day.
December 2013
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
TBD 4-H Food Challenge orientation meeting. Watch the Nov/Dec 4-H Newsletter for more information.
5 District 4-H Dairy Judging competition, TTU. Registration due to CEO by Nov 18.
7 District Consumer Decision-Making Contest, Lubbock.
13 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. High Plains Ag Conference, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, Lubbock. Topics: weed resistance, corn production, cotton production and the Farm Bill will be addressed. Five Texas Department of Agriculture CEU’s. Click here for agenda. Registration Deadline: 12-10-13 $35.00; Day of Conference at door is $45.00.
21 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. District 2 Livestock Ambassadors Steer, Swine, Lamb & Goat Showmanship/Feeding Clinic, Texas Tech Arena, Lubbock Fee: Free to 4-H and FFA Exhibitors. Bring your Lambs & Goats. Do NOT bring cattle or swine.
24 & 25 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Chrsitmas.