(Scroll Down to the Current Month)
January 2015
1 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for New Years
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
13 Master Gardener Application due to attend the 2015 Class. Click here for more information.
13 7:00 p.m. Rifle Orientation Meeting, 916 Main St., First Floor. Enter thru the East Doors.
14 Lubbock County Livestock Show – Meat Goat Jackpot, Texas Tech Livestock Pavilion. Registration Deadline is (Postmarked by) January 2, 2015
19 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for MLK Day
21 5:30 p.m. Clover Project Meeting, CEO (RSVP by January 20, Call CEO)
21 5:30 p.m. Vet Science Project Meeting, CEO (RSVP by January 20, Call CEO)
22 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Commercial Turf and Ornamental Workshop, Science Spectrum and Omni Theater, 2579 South Loop 289 #250, Lubbock 79423. Pre-registration is $35.00 (by January 20) Call CEO 806-775-1740 to get on the list, and you may pay at the door. Registration at the door is $45.00 (no lunch guaranteed.) THIS IS NOT GOING TO BE CANCELED BECAUSE OF THE WEATHER. COME IF YOU CAN SAFELY CAN.
28 6:00 p.m. Outdoor Education Meeting, CEO
28 6:30 p.m. Recordbook Training. (Call CEO by January 28 to sign up for this one or the one on 2-25)
February 2015
1-28 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
4 7:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Hub of the Plains Ag Conference, Koko Palace, 5101 Avenue Q, Lubbock TX Pre-Registration $35.00; On Site is $40.00. RSVP to 775-1740 by Monday, February 2nd to pre-register.
6 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon Farm Bill Decision Aid Meeting, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, 1102 E. FM 1294, Lubbock
16 2 p.m. or 4 p.m. Beginner Sew Sessions Workshop, CEO. Sign up starting 2-13, call CEO. Each session is limited to 5 4-H’ers. Parents must attend. See 4-H Clothing and Textiles Project Newsletter – Spring 2015 for more information.
17 4-8 p.m. Senior Sew Sessions, CEO. Sign up by Feb 16th with Ronda.
17 6:30-8:00pm Master’s Touch Class- Herb Spirals Design and Construction, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Cost: $15 or attend this class and the 24th class for $25 if purchased as a pair. (Payable at the door, Cash or Check only).
24 6:30-8:00pm Master’s Touch Class- Planning your Spiral Garden, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Cost: $15 or attend this class (Payable at the door, Cash or Check only).
24 4-8 p.m. Beginner Sew Sessions Workshop, CEO. Sign up starting 2-13, call CEO. Each session is limited to 5 4-H’ers. Parents must attend. See 4-H Clothing and Textiles Project Newsletter – Spring 2015 for more information.
25 5:30 p.m. Recordbook Training. (Must call by January 28)
26 4-8 p.m. Beginner Sew Sessions Workshop, CEO. Sign up starting 2-13, call CEO. Each session is limited to 5 4-H’ers. Parents must attend. See 4-H Clothing and Textiles Project Newsletter – Spring 2015 for more information.
March 2015
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
2 4-8 p.m. Beginner Sew Sessions Workshop, CEO. Sign up starting 2-13, call CEO. Each session is limited to 5 4-H’ers. Parents must attend. See 4-H Clothing and Textiles Project Newsletter – Spring 2015 for more information.
2 9:00 a.m. until sell out Lubbock Downtown Farmers Market Strawberry Saturday, 19th & Buddy Holly Avenue.
4-5 8am – 5pm Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 225 Broadway, Suite 6, Plainview TX. Registration is $125.00 due February 18. Click Here for Registration Form.
6 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Cover Cropping/Soil Health Workshop, Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center, 1102 East FM 1294, Lubbock TX Registration Fee is $30.00. Pre-register by March 4 by calling 806-775-1740.
7 9:30-12 noon Storyboard Workshop, CEO. RSVP by March 4th. Entries Due March 20th for County Contest.
10 4-8 p.m. Senior Sew Sessions, CEO. Sign up by Feb 16th with Ronda.
11 4-8 p.m. Beginner Sew Sessions Workshop, CEO. Sign up starting 2-13, call CEO. Each session is limited to 5 4-H’ers. Parents must attend. See 4-H Clothing and Textiles Project Newsletter – Spring 2015 for more information.
19 2-5 p.m. Clothing Tour, locations to be announced. RSVP by Wednesday March 18th to CEO. You will receive more information once you are signed up.
23 5 p.m. County Fashion Show, CEO. Entries Due Friday, March 13 by 5 p.m.
23 5-5:30 p.m. 4-H Project Show. Entries Due. See form in Clothing and Textiles Project Newsletter – Spring 2015.
23 5 p.m. Clothing Community Service – Fleece Blankets – Bring 1 ½ yards of fleece material and scissors.
30 5 p.m. Duds to Dazzle County Competition, CEO. Sign up teams by Monday, March 23. Call CEO.
30 District Fashion Show Narrator Contest entries due to Bailey County CEA-FCS.
April 2015
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
3 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Good Friday
8 District Educational Exhibit (held on 4-14) Applications Due to CEO
11 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Lubbock Master Gardener’s Master’s Touch Class Backyard Chickens, The Lubbock Memorial Arboretum. Cost is $15.00 payable at the door.
14 4-4:30 p.m. District Project Show Entries Due. Fee Paid by Member. Need Form & 3 printed labels per item.
18 8:30-12 noon Xeriscaping in the South Plains, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, 1102 East FM 1294, Lubbock TX Cost is $10.00 payable at the door.
30 8:30-3 p.m. Vector Abatement and Mitigation Workshop, has been CANCELED.
May 2015
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
6-7 8am – 5pm Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 916 Main, Suite 201, Lubbock TX. This Event has been CANCELED due to low pre-registration.
9 10:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Wofforth Water Expo, Frenship High School
25 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Memorial Day
June 2015
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
7, 8 & 9 Lamb Camp Sponsored by Howard College, Howard College G.C. Broughton, Jr. Agriculture Complex. $85.00 per person for meals and awards. Participants must be nine (9) years old or entering the third grade. See flyer for more information.
14, 15 & 16 Goat Camp, Sponsored by Howard College, Howard College G.C. Broughton, Jr. Agriculture Complex. $85.00 per person for meals and awards. Participants must be nine (9) years old or entering the third grade. See flyer for more information.
20 10-12 noon 4-H Dog Dip, Tractor Supply Co. 7531 82nd. All dogs must be on leashes. Proof of current rabies shots required. Homemade Dog Treats will also be available to purchase. Dip cost $5. per dog.
July 2015
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
?? Grape Field Day. Actual date has not been set. Keep watching for more information to come.
3 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Independence Day
9 9:45-8pm South Plains District 2 4-H Food Tour and Leadership Workshop, Plainview, TX Cost is $20 per participant. (If you participated in D2 4-H20 Camp, this has already been paid).
13 8am – 12pm Turf Grass Field Day, Texas Tech Quaker Research Farm. Registration starts at 7am. Registation is Free. 2 CEUs Offered.
13 12:30-4pm Sports Turf Field Day, Texas Tech Athletic Fields. Registration is from 12:30-1:15. Event starts at 1:15pm. Registration is Free.
21-22 8am – 5pm Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 225 Broadway, Suite 6, Plainview TX. Registration is $125.00 due July 7. Click Here for Registration Form.
24 8:00am-5:00 pm Cotton Industry Future Leaders Tour. Applications due by July 15th. Contact Hunter Parrott for more information. 806-775-1740.
25 9am – 3pm EARTH-KIND® Water Conservation Workshop, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Cost $25.00 per person/ $50 per couple. Registration is due by July 20th. Click HERE for registration form.
August 2015
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
1 9am – 3pm EARTH-KIND® Water Conservation Workshop, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Cost $25.00 per person/ $50 per couple. Registration is due by July 27th. Click HERE for registration form.
22 Rockin’ C Classic Lamb Show, Texas Tech Livestock Arena, Lubbock TX
22 BasicScience Blowout Meat Goat Jackpot, Texas Tech Livestock Arena, Lubbock TX
September 2015
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
7 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Labor Day
17 5:30pm-6:30pm 4-H Clover Project Meeting, Lubbock County Extension Office, 916 Main, Suite 201
October 2015
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
1-31 4-H Canned Food Drive – bring all canned goods to the Food Bank Farm on Oct 1oth, or to the County Extension Office at 916 Main.
9 Lubbock County 4-H Food Show Entries are due. Entry Form
10 National 4-H Week – South Plains Food Bank Farm, 304 76th, from 9-11am AND 100th Anniversary Tree Planting (tree provided by Texas Forest Service), Lubbock County Courthouse, 916 Main from 11:15am – 12 noon.
11 2pm – 5pm County 4-H Outdoor Cookery Workshop, Patterson Park, Wolfforth. $5.00 per participant. RSVP by October 9 by 5pm, if you plan to attend. 775-1740.
12 County Practice Contest for 4-H Food Challenge. Sign up by October 9th, 775-1740.
13 4:30 pm County-wide 4-H Food and Nutrition project tour. Please RSVP to 775-1740 by October 12, if you plan on participating.
13 6:30 pm Consumer Decision-Making project practices start. Other dates include Oct, 20, 27 Nov. 10 & 17.
15 Lubbock County 4-H Fundraiser at Boot Barn, South Plains Mall. Present this FLYER and 10% of all proceeds will be donated back to the 4-H.
16 Sign up due to have an Educational Exhibit at the District Food Show. Call 775-1740.
17 County 4-H Food Show. Entries Due October 9th to CEO. Entry Form
17-18 8am Hunter Safety Course, 916 Main St., 1st Floor. $15.00 per person. RSVP by October 12 to 775-1740.
22 8am – 2:30 pm Building Strong Families Conference, Overton Hotel & Conference Center. Fee $10. Register at www.BuildingStrongFamiliesLubbock.org
28-29 8am – 5pm Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 916 Main, Suite 201, Lubbock TX. Registration is $125.00 due October 14. Click Here for Registration Form.
November 2015
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Calendar
7 District 4-H Food Show, Levelland
11 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Veteran’s Day
13 & 14 Llano Estacado Rabbit Breeders Association Triple Open/Triple Youth All-Breed Show, Bailey County Coliseum, Muleshoe, TX
23 Sign up due for District 4-H Dairy Judging on December 5th, call 775-1740.
26 & 27 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Thanksgiving
December 2015
1 County Practice Competition for Consumer Decision-Making project.
11 8:30am to 3:00 pm High Plains Ag Conference, Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center, 1102 E. FM 294, Lubbock. $35.00 registration fee. $45 if register after Dec. 9th. 5 TDA Approved CEU’s – 1 hr. IPM, 1 hr. L&R, 3 hr. General.
12 10am – 12pm Lubbock County 4-H Christmas Community Service, Meet at Arnett Elementary School, 703 E. Queens.
19 10:00am to 12:00pm District 2 Livestock Ambassadors Steer, Swine, Lamb & Goat Showmanship/Feeding Clinic, Texas Tech arena, Lubbock. Admission is free to 4-H and FFA exhibitors.
24 & 25 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Christmas