January 2014
1 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for New Years
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
20 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
23-24 8-5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 916 Main St., Suite 201, Lubbock. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 days prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
30 8:30 a.m. – Lawn and Ornamental Workshop, KoKo Palace, 5101 Ave Q. $30.00 Registration. RSVP by 1-29 to 775-1680 to guarantee a meal. TDA CEU’s offered: 3 General, 1 IPM, 1 Laws and Regulations. SPCS CEU’s offered: 1 Weed Control, 1 General, 1 Pest Control, 1 Lawn/Ornamental Insect Control. Click above for the agenda.
February 2014
1-28 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
6 CANCELED due to Cold Weather — Rescheduled for March 6th 7-9:00 p.m. – Master’s Touch Gardening Classes, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Cost: $15 per class of $50 for all four, payable at the door. No Pre-registration is necessary. (1 of 4) Totally Tomatoes.
12 7:45 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Hub of the Plains Ag Conference, KoKo Palace, 5101 Avenue Q, Lubbock, TX. Cost: $30.00 RSVP to CEO by calling 806-775-1680. 5 CEU’s offered: 2 IPM, 1 Laws and Regulations, 2 General . Click on title above for agenda.
13 7-9:00 p.m. – Master’s Touch Gardening Classes, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Cost: $15 per class of $50 for all four, payable at the door. No Pre-registration is necessary. (1 of 4) Waterwise Shrubs for Lubbock.
19 4-8 p.m. Senior Sew Sessions with Ronda. Sign up to attend with Ronda.
20 4-8 p.m. Sewing Workshop, CEO Sign up with Ronda to attend, 775-1680.
20 7-9:00 p.m. – Master’s Touch Gardening Classes, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Cost: $15 per class of $50 for all four, payable at the door. No Pre-registration is necessary. (2 of 4) Water Efficient Lawns for Lubbock.
24 5-7 p.m. – Lubbock County 4-H Clothing Tour – RSVP if attending by Friday, Feb 21 at 5pm (no later than Monday, Feb 24 by noon). Call 806-775-1680
27 4-8 p.m. Sewing Workshop, CEO Sign up with Ronda to attend, 775-1680.
27 7-9:00 p.m. – Master’s Touch Gardening Classes, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem, Cost: $15 per class of $50 for all four, payable at the door. No Pre-registration is necessary. (4 of 4) Water Efficient Garden Design.
March 2014
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
1 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. County-wide Storyboard Workshop, CEO. RSVP to the Extension Office by February 27, If you plan to participate. See Clothing Newsletter on details of items to bring.
1 1-5 p.m. Sewing Workshop, CEO Sign up with Ronda to attend, 775-1680.
5 4-8 p.m. Senior Sew Sessions with Ronda. Sign up to attend with Ronda.
6 7-9:00 p.m. – Master’s Touch Gardening Classes, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Cost: $15 per class of $50 for all four, payable at the door. No Pre-registration is necessary. (4 of 4) Totally Tomatoes.
11 6:00 p.m. Horse Judging orientation meeting, CEO. Call CEO prior to 5pm if attending meeting.
12 Storyboards are due to County Extension office.
12 5:30 p.m. “How to do an Educational Presentation,” CEO. Call CEO by March 10 if attending training.
14 County Fashion Show Entries due to County Extension Office by 5:00 p.m.
18 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
20 1-4 p.m. Spring Break Crafts Workshop, CEO. Sign up by March 14, call CEO 775-1680.
20 Regional 2014 Farm Bill Meeting, Plains Cotton Cooperative Association Delegate Body Room, 3301 E 50th St., Lubbock TX (enter through west glass doors), Lubbock
22 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Spring County-wide Community Service.
24 5 p.m. County Fashion Show, CEO. Entry deadline, Friday, March 14, by 5pm.
24 5-5:30 p.m Entries accepted for 4-H Project Show.
24 7:00 p.m. PLA and Teen Council Meetings, CEO
26 5-6 p.m. 4-H Entomology Project practice. Call CEO by 3-25 to sign up.
26 6 p.m. 4-H Rabbit Project Meeting, CEO. Call CEO by 3-24 if attending.
27 6 p.m. Horse Quiz Bowl orientation meeting, CEO. Call CEO by 3-26 if attending.
29 11-12 noon Lubbock Animal Services Tour.
31 6 p.m. Beginner 4-H Recordbook Workshop, CEO. Call CEO by 3-26 if attending.
April 2014
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
1 6 p.m. Healthy Lifestyles Project practice, CEO.
1 7 a.m. Lubbock County Ag Committee Meeting, CEO
2 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Consumer-Decision Making practice, CEO. Call CEO by 4-1 if attending.
3-4 Texas Cotton Ginners Annual Meeting
4 2014 Lubbock County Stored Grain Workshop
4 Plains Cotton Growers Annual Meeting
5 4-H D2 Soils Judging Contest
8 6 p.m. Beginner 4-H Recordbook Workshop, CEO.
9 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. 2014 Turfgrass Management Short Course, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, 1102 E FM 1294, Lubbock. $25.00 Call 775-1680 by 12 noon on April 7th to pre-register and guarantee lunch.
9 USDA Crop Production Report
10 4-4:30 p.m 4-H Project Show entries due for District Judging. Bring them to the District Fashion Show, at Christ the King.
10 District 4-H Fashion Show, Lubbock. First place winners in their age division category at the County Fashion Show will be eligible to compete.
11 7:30 a.m. Plains Cotton Growers Advisory Group Meeting
14 DEADLINE to order sheep & goat validation tags for State of Texas Fair. Tags are $12.00 per tag.
14 DEADLINE to order Steer tags. Tags are $11 each and $25.00 for late orders.
15 Horse Validation Due.
15 Futurity Horse Project nominations due online.
15 District Consumer Decision-Making Contest.
16 5:30 p.m. Awards & Recognition Committee Meeting, CEO
16 6:30 p.m. 4-H Club Manager Training, CEO
16 Farmer’s Co-Op Compress/ PCCA Board Meetings
18 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Good Friday.
21 5:00 p.m. County 4-H Roundup and 4-H Photo Awards, CEO. Call CEO by 4-7 to sign up for County Roundup.
21 6:00 p.m. Wildlife and Fisheries Project Meeting, CEO.
21 7:00 p.m. PLA and Teen Council meetings, CEO
22 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
23 6-8 p.m. Dollars and Sense Financial Management Series 1 of 3, Lubbock County Extension Office, 916 Main, Suite 201. Cost: $20.00 for all 3 classes. Please pre-register by calling 775-1680.
26 District Livestock Judging Contest, TTU.
26 10 a.m. – 12 noon 4-H Dog Dip, Tractor Supply, 7531 82nd St., Lubbock TX Cost: $5.00 per dog, cash only. All dogs must be on a leash. Proof of current rabies shots is required.
26 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Rainwater Harvesting Workshop, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 48th and Salem. Fee $50.00 includes a catered lunch. Registration due by April 1st. Presented by Lubbock Master Gardeners. Click on title for more information and the registration form.
30 6-8 p.m. Dollars and Sense Financial Management Series 2 of 3, Lubbock County Extension Office, 916 Main, Suite 201. Cost: $20.00 for all 3 classes. Please pre-register by calling 775-1680, if you have not already done so at the first class.
May 2014
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
3 District 2 4-H Roundup
7 6-8 p.m. Dollars and Sense Financial Management Series 3 of 3, Lubbock County Extension Office, 916 Main, Suite 201. Cost: $20.00 for all 3 classes. Please pre-register by calling 775-1680, if you have not already done so at the first or second class.
7-8 8-5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 225 Broadway, Suite 6, Plainview. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 days prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
8 5:30-7 p.m. State 4-H Roundup Orientation, CEO.
10 DEADLINE to order Swine validation tags for State of Texas Fair.
17 D2 4-H Archery Contest
18 4-7 p.m. Teen Council Game Night. Please RSVP to Ronda if you plan to attend.
19 6:00 p.m.General 4-H Record Book workshop, CEO. Please RSVP to 775-1680 by May 16, if you plan on attending.
20 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
17 9 am – D2 4-H Clothing Extravaganza, various locations. See flyer for more information. Please RSVP the number from your county attending to Ronda by Thursday, May 15. Send Email to: rd-alexander@tamu.edu
23 & 24 North Region 4-H Rabbit Show, Lamb County Ag Center, Littlefield TX. Cost: $3.50 per rabbit per show. See Flyer for more information.
26 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Memorial Day.
31 10 a.m. – 12 noon Teen Council Dog Dip and Shot Clinic, Tractor Supply, 7531 82nd St in Lubbock. You can protect your dogs from fleas and ticks, save money, and support the Lubbock County 4-H Teen Council by getting your dogs dipped for $5 (cash only)at this fundraiser. All dogs must be on a leash and have proof of current rabies vaccinations. Vaccinations for both dogs and cats will also be available for you and your pets convenience.
June 2014
1 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
1 Project Record forms and Year Pin lists are due to CEO from Club Managers.
17 District 4-H Horse Show, Mallet Event Center, Levelland
19 District 2 4-H20 Camp, Caprock Canyone State Park, Quitaque, TX. RSVP by Monday, June 16 to your County Extension Office.
23 8 a.m. – 12 noon Steer Validation, Leonard Keeton’s Farm
23 6:30 p.m. PLA and Teen Council Meetings, CEO
23 4-H Recordbooks are due to the CEO by 5 p.m. or may be brought to the PLA meeting at 6:30 p.m. Review the Award Packet by clicking here.
23 Lubbock County Parent Leaders 4-H Scholarship applications, Gold Star Applications and other 4-H awards nominations due to CEO by 5 p.m. or may be brought to the PLA meeting.
23-26 4-H Power Camp, Aspendale Mountain Retreat Center, Cloudcroft, NM of 4-H’ers age 13-19. Registration is due on 4-H Connect in May. Call for more information.
30 8 a.m. – 12 noon Steer Valiation, Brandon Patschke’s Farm
July 2014
1 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
4 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Independence Day.
9 District Record book Judging. Applications are due by June 1.
10 2:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. District 2 4-H Leadership Success Workshop, Ollie Liner Center, Plainview. RSVP by Monday, July 7 to your County Extension Office.
10 Applications for Lubbock County 4-H Parade of Champions Award are due to the CEO.
12 10 am – 12 pm Dog Dip, Tractor Supply, 7531 82nd St in Lubbock. You can protect your dogs form fleas and ticks, and save money, and support the Lubbock County 4-H Teen Council by getting your dogs dipped for $5 (cash only) at this fundraiser. All dogs must be on a leash and have proof of current rabies vaccinations.
19-26 State 4-H Horse Show, Abilene TX. State entries are due June 17 at the Office for the District 4-H Horse Show.
15 Next Generation Ag Conference, TTU Frazier Alumni Pavilion Call 877-959-5500 for more information. Click here for the agenda.
16 & 17 1-4:30pm Kitchen Connection, County Extension Office, 916 Main, Suite 201. The camp will focus on having fun in the kitchen while learning about basic nutrition and kitchen safety. The kids will learn the importance of nutrition and how easy healthy food and snacks can be prepared. Each day will be a new experience for the kids and will also allow them to participate in leadership activities similar to those held by the 4-H Program. The camp is for kids ages 9-12, with a cost of $20 per child to cover materials for both days. Reserve your spot by Monday, July 14. Checks can be made payable to Lubbock County 4-H and mailed to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Lubbock County, P.O. Box 10536, Lubbock, TX 79408. For more information call the Lubbock County Extension Office at (806) 775-1680.
21 5-8 p.m. Lubbock County 4-H Summer Social, Stockton’s House, 14702 CR 1400, at 1585 and 179.
21 8:00 a.m. to Noon Turfgrass Field Day, Texas Tech Quaker Research Farm. Registration from 7-8 a.m. Registration is free. Free lunch to follow event. Two options to choose from: Gold and Athletic Turf or Commercial and Residential Lawn Care. See flyer for more information.
22 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
23-24 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 916 Main St., Suite 201, Lubbock. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 weeks prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
24 8:30-12 noon Grape Field Day, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, 1102 E. FM 1294, Lubbock TX Cost: $15.00 payable at the door.
29 9:30 am Sheep and Goat Management Workshop, Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center, 1102 E. FM 1294, Lubbock TX Cost $15.00
August 2014
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
4-7 South Plains Fair, Permian Basin Fair, West Texas Fair and Dallas Fair entries being taken at the County Extension Office.
12 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon Pecan Production Workshop, Texas A&M Research and AgriLife Extension Center, 1102 E. FM 1294, Lubbock 2 CEU’s available. Cost: $15.00 RSVP to 775-1680 by August 11th.
12 Bob Benson Memorial and 4H EXCELL Golf Tournament, Plainview Country Club, Plainview TX. Entry fee is $200 per team. Entries are requested by August 8th. Contact Ronda for more information.
16 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. Water Conservation Exposition, Lubbock Indoor Courts, 7806 CR 7050, Wolfforth TX. See flyer for more information.
17 12:00 Lubbock County 4-H Achievement Banquet, Lubbock County Central Jury Pool, 1308 Crickets Ave. Please RSVP by August 11 the number in your family that will be attending.
18 6-8 p.m. Backyard Poultry Production, 916 Main Suite 201. Cost: $15.00 RSVP to 775-1680 by noon on August 18th.
19 4-H Day At Fuddruckers, 5501 Slide Road, Lubbock TX Leave your receipt in the 4-H basket and Fuddruckers will donate 15% of sales to the Texas 4-H Fuddruckers Scholarship Fund, with a portion benefitting the local 4-H.
23 Rockin’ C Classic Lamb Show, Texas Tech Livestock Arena, Lubbock TX
23 BasicScience Blowout Meat Goat Jackpot, Texas Tech Livestock Arena, Lubbock TX
29 8:00 a.m. Lubbock County Field Day. Starts at Acuff Gin. See flyer for more information.
September 2014
1 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Labor Day.
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
9 62nd Annual Agricultural Chemical Conference, Scottish Rite Temple. Pre-registration online by August 31st.
8 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Do Well, Be Well / Cooking Well with Diabetes, 916 Main Street, First Floor Lobby. Registration and $10.00 fee is due by NOON Monday, September 8, 2014.
10 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Estate Planning Program for Farmers and Ranchers, 916 Main Street, 1st Floor Lobby. Join us to hear Dr. Wayne A. Hayenga speak to us about Wills, Health Care POA, Living Wills, HIPPA and much more. RSVP for this free program by September 9th, 775-1680.
17 6:00 p.m. Swine Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDv) Seminar, Bayer Museum of Agriculture, 1121 Canyon Lake Drive, Lubbock
30 5:30 p.m. Food and Nutrition Quiz Bowl Orientation, County Extension Office.
30 6:30 p.m. Consumer Decision-Making Orientation, County Extension Office.
October 2014
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
1 4:30 p.m. County-side 4-H Food and Nutrition Project Tour. RSVP to 775-1680 by September 30, if you plan on participating.
5 2-5 p.m. Advance 4-H Food and Nutrition Project Series, County extension Office. Cost $5 per person. Pre-registration required by October 3rd. (Must be a senior 4-H member or have participated in project for at least four years)
6 4-H Food Challenge practices, Lobby meeting room, 916 Main Street. Sign-up by October 3rd if your team is planning on participating. Contact Ronda if you do not have a team.
11 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. One Day 4-H canned food drive and working at the Food Bank Farm, 304 76th St. Call Ronda by October 10 if you plan to attend or have questions.
13 4:30-6 p.m. County-wide 4-H Food and Nutrition Workshop, County Extension Office. RSVP to 775-1680 by Oct 10, if you plan to attend.
13 Sign up due if you plan on having an educational exhibit at the District Food Show.
23 9 a.m.-2:50 p.m. 19th Annual Building Strong Families Parenting Conference, Region 17 Education Service Center, Lubbock Pre-Registration fee: $10.00; $20.00 at the door. For more information visit http://www.buildingstrongfamilieslubbock.org/ To Register visit: http://escite2.esc17.net/
24 County 4-H Community Service. Bring donation items to the South Plains Food Bank.
25 County 4-H Food Show, Lubbock County Extension Office, 916 Main, Suite 201. Judging starts at 1 p.m. Entry materials due to CEO by 5pm on October 13. Get entry form here.
26 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. South Plains Vet Symposium, This Event has been Canceled as of 10-20-14.
29-30 8-5 p.m. Food Manager 2-Day Certification Training, 225 Broadway, Suite 6, Plainview. Cost: $125.00 Registration Due 2 weeks prior to training. (Registration fee and form mailed to College Station.)
November 2014
1-30 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
6 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Farm Bill Decision Aid Meeting, Plains Cotton Cooperative Association Delegate Body Room, 3301 E. 50th Street, Lubbock, TX
8 District 4-H Food Show, Levelland.
11 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Veterans Day.
10, 12 & 13 8-4:30 p.m. Major Livestock Show Entry. County Extension Office
22 District 4-H Dairy Judging Competition, Texas Tech University. Registration is due to the County Extension Office by November 13th.
27 & 28 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Thanksgiving Day.
December 2014
1-31 Lubbock County Ag Events Calendar
12 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. High Plains Ag Conference, Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center, 1102 E. FM 1294, Lubbock. Pre-Registration (by 12-10) is $35.00 per person. After 12-10 (at the door) registration is $45.00 per person. See attached flyer for registration information. Click HERE for the agenda.
20 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. District 2 Livestock Ambassadors Steer, Swine, Lamb and Goat Showmanship/Feeding Clinic, Texas Tech Arena, Lubbock
24, 25 & 26 County Holiday, County Extension Office Closed for Christmas.